Smoked pork shoulder on the pellet grill. Here's a simple pork shoulder recipe that is, in my opinion, true bbq. Besides the pellet grill part. It adds great flavor but you miss that grilled flavor. This recipe is a little Tennessee BBQ, a little Texas flare and that awesome Carolina flavor. Its easy. Rub it down and cook at 250° until you reach the perfect tenderness at 200° internal. Rub recipe: Equal parts salt, pepper, and MOJO Rub. Sauce recipe: 3 cups white vinegar 1/3 cup white vinegar 1 1/2 tsp black pepper 1 tsp cayenne 3/4 tsp red pepper flakes 1 tbsp MOJO 4 slices lemon simmer for a few minutes or sous vide for 4 hours at 165° That's it. Just cook it and enjoy.
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